Do Not Write A Single E-mail To Your List Until You've Read This
Are you sick and tired of building lists that just don't convert as well as they should? Have you grown weary of hearing everyone tell you how the money is in the list - but never seeing any of it? Do you have your own product and are wondering what the best way to monetize your customers is? Or are you just starting out and trying to figure out what this whole list-building thing is all about - and how you can make money from it?
No matter what your situation is, I have a very special offer for you today. You see, I've built more than my fair share of lists. While most of them have been highly successful, what really matters is that some of my lists failed miserably!
Now, you are probably asking yourself - if some of my lists weren't so successful, how can I be qualified to give advice? Well, let me tell you this - unlike most of the marketers out there, I actually sat down and learned from my mistakes. I figured out what makes a list make money and when building a list is plain stupid!
Yes, you heard it right - believe it or not, but the money isn't always in the list! Sometimes, by building a list, you're just shooting yourself in the foot!
Now Introducing Unleash The List
"Unleash the List!" is the ultimate list-management guide. Written by marketers and for marketers, it will show every single cunning strategy and stealthy technique used by professional marketers to earn thousands every month!
From building squeeze pages that actually convert to leveraging your list to make it grow by itself with no effort on your part, to pushing your weight around and making product owners positively beg to be mentioned in your e-mails - this guide has it all!
Inside This 60 page e-book You'll Find...
-When not to build a list - in spite of everything gurus will tell you, lists aren't always the best solution (and sometimes, they can actually lower your income!)
-How to optimize a squeeze page for maximum conversion rates (including a guide on browser resolutions, opt-in box placement and much more!)
-How to leverage the power of your list to create free traffic to the squeeze page!
Never-before revealed guide to fully put your list on auto-pilot and make it grow literally by itself!
-How to conduct professional market research - the kind that major corporations pay millions of dollars for!
No technical knowledge required - you can use this guide even if you don't know what HTML is or what CSS stands for!
But Wait There is More!
Packed into this meaty 60-page volume, you will find everything you need to both get started with list marketing and to take your e-mail marketing efforts to the next level! I leave no stone unturned as, together, we investigate what really makes mailing lists profitable!
For example...
* What is scaling and why is it the fundamental element of any successful list?
* What research do you need to conduct before you start building a list?
* Can you really build a list using PPC methods alone - and still stay profitable?
* Should you use a squeeze page or an opt-in page (yes, they are different!)
* How much money should your list make every month?
* How should you email your list to maximize open rates?
This is, by far, the most exhaustive, comprehensive and detailed overview of list management you will ever read. Even if you have never built a list before, simply by reading this guide and applying the methods inside it, you can be well on your way to setting up a successful and profitable list!
However, I realize that you may have had bad experiences with massive e-books that dump volumes of information on you and leave you gasping in confusion and frustration. This is why, for the first time ever, I am including self-assessment sections at the end of each chapter to help you absorb and retain knowledge! This approach is used in all professional academic materials - and now we are bringing to the world of Internet Marketing!
Still Not Convinced? You Have Nothing To Loose
Look, I'll be honest with you. I truly and utterly believe that this e-book will help you. But I can't make that decision for you.
For this reason, I am offering you an unconditional, no-questions-asked, 60-day refund guarantee. I don't care if you're a serial refunder or just don't like the layout - if you're unsatisfied with this product in any way and feel it doesn't deserve your money, simply file a refund request and you will get your money back, no questions asked!
So how Much Is Your Wealth Worth To You?
Let me tell you a story from my personal experience. About a year ago, I decided to build a list in a certain non-IM market. On the surface, everything looked great - the market was desperate, the customers were irrational and were willing to spend money on a solution. Everything pointed to a highly promising affiliate marketing campaign, right?
Well, guess what? Having spent three months assembling a list of several thousand subscribers, I was never able to average more than $50 a week off this list! Imagine what a bitter disappointment it was for me! There and then, I would have paid a small fortune for someone to tell me that I was getting it all wrong from the start!
So, as you work on your list, consider the following - what if you are not maximizing your profits from it? What if you are building it in a market where a list shouldn't be built in the first place? What if you're failing to squeeze every last penny out of your list - or maybe even wasting your time and money altogether?
At this very moment, you are literally on the brink of finally propelling your income to incredible levels and seeing your effort, dedication and hard work pay off at long last. How much is the secret of building a successful, profitable list that can earn you thousands worth to you?
More importantly, ask yourself this - how much do you think I could sell this product for, considering how much you can make with it? For a product explains how you can earn thousands every month, could I charge at least $497? $297? Or maybe just $97, and that's if I was feeling VERY generous?
However, let me also say this - the market is a big place. There's plenty of opportunities and niche markets for everyone to go around. That's why it's no skin off my nose if someone else gets access to these exclusive secrets that took me years of hard work and dedication to discover.
And that's why I'm willing to let you grab this opportunity by the throat and shake every last penny out of it for a pitiful $34.95 (less than the price of two months of registration fees with an autoresponder company that you won't use to full extent until you've read this e-book!)
Claim The Income You Deserve! Get Your Copy Today

P.S. This e-book will show you the right way to build a list and how to squeeze every last penny out of it. If you haven't read it, then you will only scratch the surface of your list's profit potential. Don't make this mistake - reserve your copy now and watch your income skyrocket!
P.P.S. I've got to be honest with you - I'm not sure how long I will be keeping this offer open at the introductory $34.95 price. I can think of a number of competing products that go for much higher than this (and are nowhere near as good) - so I really don't know how long I will feel inclined to keep cutting my own throat for. To avoid disappointment, order your copy today and squeeze every last penny out of your list!

Click Here and claim your copy!
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